The Wait

I’m at the airport wondering what the rest of my life would look like. It’s strange to wait for something like that. I mean, of course I have a way out: I can always come back.

Strange thing: the Hong Kong airport has changed because they actually now check if you have a ticket before they let you in (protesting much?) and well, this is not new but 100ml + stuff is not allowed.

They took away the one thing that I had spent so much time trying to get: ocean salt from lush. They threw it in the garbage.

Fun fact: I tried to get that lady’s name (who did the deed) in order to be able to find someone to forgive but she wouldn’t give me her name. TRUST ME THIS IS A BIG DEAL.

It’s still strange to try and wait for what the rest of your life is going to look like. It’s scary and also exciting. Doroles (a staff at beef & liberty) just got me some free beer. All of this is just so unpredictable: I mean life. I often wonder what’s the worst thing I’ve done that I wouldn’t put on paper and having spent the better part of the last year drunk I realise that nothing qualifies.

Who knows?!

The best is yet to come.

Apoorva JyotiComment