Day 2: Lessons

Most days are the same. But, then there are days where you start questioning your place in the universe. The very reason for your existence and what effect can you possibly have on the cosmos that has existed for 13.6 billion years. This brings me down to earth and leave me with a feeling of ultimately being inconsequential. In times like these, I like to remind myself John Green words from the crash course Big History series:

We are not just the observers of the universe; we are the universe.

Things I didn’t learnt in History class

Museo de historia de madrid (formally known as Museo Municipal)

As an outsider to Europe while learning the history of Europe, you can never really fully grasp the differences in culture, heritage and stories. I had often been told that the West did the capturing and the East was captured. That is an over simplification. Madrid did experience occupation and revolt in the form of Peninsular war against the French occupation and it did witness a major uprising. It was thrown into political instability and was plagued by famines and economic loss.

It did also have a lot of industry (like glass and porcelain) and culture booming through the golden ages. The thing about history is that it provides us with a context for everything. It is important to remember that Plaza Major used to be a hub for festivities and all the nobles used to sit above the courtyard watching bull fighting and other contests. It is important to remember what today is, it hasn't existed in this state forever and nor will it. We live in a state of constant flux.

Museo Arqueológico Nacional


The archaeological museum brings together the history of life on earth (of the genus Homo), through the bronze age to modern times. I have had 2 observations:

  1. How many human skulls can one see (with nails in them) before becoming immune? The answer is about 6.

  2. Humans have always needed faith; whether it was Gods as forces of nature, Gods being represented as kings or Gods engaging in human trivialities.

Even though, I have a very scientific mind I somehow found the various representations of human faith hard to argue with. What I mean is, not the existence of God but rather the undeniable culture manifestations of religious beliefs. Human beings need something to believe in. Imagine a world without any duomo or temples or pyramids, and somehow that would be a less interesting place.

“History is not only the stories of the winners, the masters, the survivors;

History is principally the story of the world’s suffering.”

Walter Benjamin

End of the day

The problem with being too productive is that knowing feeling as though trying to right some wrong and be a complete arse.

I really wanted to go to Madrid Taproom.

To unwind. To feel human again. To seize the moment. Well, as one can imagine.. that is not what happened. I had 2 pints and felt a little sick due to jet lag. I bought a burrito but was too full to have dinner so I passed out.

Drinking was not the answer to any of my problems in or about the universe.
Numbing the pain for a bit, doesn’t take it away but because we try so hard to numb it, I suppose that’s what really makes us human.

“Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.”

George R.R. Martin

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